My Bucket List

I have a bunch of activities in my Bucket List, and all of that activities are very various. Some of it are 1. Get better at painting 2. Being vegan 3. Learn so much about nature and environment 4. Climb a volcano 5. Listen a lot of music.

Some of that activities goes from a daily routine and another are life achivies in some way. So I think a have different Bucket List with different things, depending of the difficulty and the scale. 

One of my biggest dreams is to reach the climb of the Everest Mountain, and I think that is the hardest thing on my Bucket List, but I am going to do it no matter what.

The majority of the things in my Bucket List aren´t activities in concrete, most of them are process things, so I have to try constantly to reach them, and I like that because it keeps me busy and doing things that are good to my personal development.

I really like nature, and explore and know a lot of beautiful and interesting places of Chile is something that I want to do, and I think I would like to do it with my girlfriend, friends and my family, people that I appreciate.
