Some changes that could be made to journalism

Hello!! I think there are some fews changes that could be made to the currilucum in first place. I only would change the amount of signatures we have, I think that there are some signatures that are unnecessary for all, like Radio and Television, I think that these signatures should be optional, because not everyone want to dedicate to that areas. Also, I don´t think that the signatures that we do whit Cinema are unnecessary, but it have to be done with a clearly purpose because not everyone understand their utility.

In other terms, I think that the duration of the career is too long, if their teach only the essencial the career would be shorter.

Now talking about the faculty facilities I like the campus, but the bathrooms of FCEI are not so good, because it never have soap or toilet paper. Also, there are some classrooms that have old computers that are too slow. And i don´t know other faculty of communication so I can´t compare the technology that we have here.

And the last thing, of the teaching methods, there are some teachers that are very good at teaching, but others are too boring or with zero habilities to teach. And the method to take the signatures is very very bad, every semester there are some classmates that have problems with that, including me sometimes, so every episode of that is a unnecessary stress, I think that it have to be improved a lot, because I see a lot of dissatisfaction of my friends and classmates.


  1. I agree with many things that you said, but I believe that five year are ok for the career, but the university must improve the boring classes and chage the bad teachers.

  2. Hi Bruno, you are right, the process of taking subjects presents many problems and becomes a very stressful time.

  3. Hello Bruno! I agree with you, TV and radio should be optional. I was thinking that there could be a modification in the curriculum and that according to our academic choices we could decide which courses to follow and which not to follow.

  4. I agree with the fact that sometimes the courses that we share with cinema looks a little bit pointless, and they need clarification, but i disagree with your opinion of doing tv and radio optionals, i think every journalist should be capacitated to do every type of job in any area, and it would need the fundamentals of it.

  5. Hi Bruno. I have the same appreciation with respect to the bathrooms and computers, but it even happens to the mac's, they are all quite slow, maybe they need maintenance.


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