I will travel to the past

I would like to travel to the past, by far, because, in first place I think that the future don´t exist, I think that the climate change conditions will eliminate all of us and all of the things we know, it is very sad but I can´t imagine a good future for the human race, it is sad to me because I think that the majority of the people and some natural species are paying the cost of the way that a few rich people are living. Sometimes I am very extremist and angry on that terms and in another times I am optimist, but the last thing is very hard. 

It is hard to decide what time I would like to travel, because every period have something interesting, if I could I would like to move across every epoch that I like, and see what happened with my own eyes. And I think I wont like to stay in one time, I think that will bored me, so if I had the opportunity to travel to the past I will take advantage of and I will try to the see a lot of things of different periods.

But if I could stay in one time I think that I will choose a moment before the industrial revolution, when everything were more artisanal and the nature were more pristine and free.



  1. hello Bruno! i would like to go back in time too. I would love to see historical facts and know if they really happened as they are shown in history.


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