A photograph that I like


A photograph that I like too much is this one, here is my little brother, Santiago, with a snowman we made with my family when we travel to the snow, in the mountains of Linares, Maule. I took the photo with my camera, I carried the camera to the snow because the landscapes were so beautiful, so I wanted to take pictures of all of that, and of my family and of the animals that we saw there. I took the photo at the end of July, in a travel that we made with the family to the snow, I really appreciate it because I live alone here in Santiago, and I see my family a few times, se I really try to enjoy that moments. In that travel we saw some native foxes and birds of Chile, it was very shocking, and seeing the photos I see that is constant the smiles on the faces of my family, so is very happy to me to remember that travel seeing the photos. I was undecided when choosing a photo, because I also wanted to choose one that my mom sent me of my brother while I am here in Santiago, I really like those photos because one of the people I miss the most from Linares is my little brother.


  1. Hi Bruno! it's a beautiful picture. I love to see pictures about family, they are so important when we miss the ones we love.


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