My favorite TV serie

Dark | Sitio oficial de Netflix

Hi Im Bruno and I have a very favorite serie :) It is called Dark, on the streaming platform Netflix. I love Dark for a lot of reasons, like the history, the plot, the characters, the art direction. I love series that address complex issues like existencialism and time. Also, I love the winter and the cold, in Dark the essence of that is very present with cold colors, so I love very much the feelings that the serie transmits to me. Dark is very significant to me that every winter I watch it again and again. I think that is the serie that has marked me the most.

I frecuently enjoy series that have deep stories and dark topics, I think that is because that series caught my attention. Talking about that I know that the creators of Dark will release a new serie, so I am very anxious to see that serie, I have illusion of it.

There is a serie that address a lot of topics that I like but I do not remember the name :( I really wanna watch it, so I am trying to remember the name of it. Also I want to watch The Office because a lot of my friends has recommended it to me and it seems to be very funny. And I have to watch Breaking Bad because everyone says that is good but I didn´t finish it.


  1. wowww, the series at the beginning may seem like just another time travel series, but as the first few episodes go by, it gets you hooked.


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