My best holiday

 Hi I am Bruno and I will talk about my favourite holiday because I´ve never went to a concert :( Anyways the majority of my holidays were so good so i don´t feel bad of never went to a concert. My favourite holiday was the summer of 2021 - 2022 because I went to a lot of places that I wanted to go, I have the privilege of having a family who love the aventure, the nature and the outdoor life, so that summer we went to Biological Reserve Huilo Huilo and we take the opportunity to visit Puerto Fuy and some places around. And some weeks after we went to San Pedro de Atacama, the opposite of the landscapes of the south of Chile. I was in that places a week approximately and I went with my mom, fake dad and little brother. My favourite activities was to watch and take some pictures of the native flora and fauna and landscapes, because my passion is the nature and the enviroment so I wanted to see and learn as much as I could of the places that I visited


  1. wuau, hi bruno farotti!!1
    which did you like better, the north or the south of chile,
    I haven't been to the south much but in the north the people are not so nice.


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